Almayev Nickolay, born 1966,

Ph.D. acquired in 1997.

Ph.D. thesis – “Grounds for Choosing Words in Speech” was devoted to elaboration of methodology that would combine traits of phenomenological and experimental approaches.

Member of European Society of Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP)


Main topics of interest:  Husserl's phenomenology and experimental psychology, application of phenomenological method to experimental studies in psycholinguistics, visualization in teaching of languages.

Phenomenological model of understanding Music

1) Penultimate draft of the article that was accepted for publication by “Ananlecta Husserliana” yearbook. 1999

2) How meaning might be induced by the music. Paper that was presented at the 6-th ICMPC conference at Keele, UK, 2000

3) Subjective meaning of the highness-temporal parameters of acoustic events. Paper for the 11 –th conference of the Russian Acoustic Society.

Moscow, Russia, 2001 


 Dynamic theory of meaning… .

(Article in the FCCL journal)


